Forecast Now

by Kelly Technology Inc.



The local weather forecast for any town in the US, direct from NOAA.

Want the latest local weather forecast on your mobile device? For any town in the US, Forecast Now provides:- the daily local weather forecast for the next 7 days- the hourly forecast for the next 48 hours- animated radar and satellite views- hazardous weather warnings- predicted snowfall totals (winter months)- the air quality index forecast- the ultraviolet index forecast- up to 8 stored locationsOngoing development of Forecast Now is funded in part by advertisements, which can be removed with an in-app subscription.Weather and climate information comes directly from the National Weather Service, NOAA, NASA and the EPA.Fixed a bug in the ad-permission dialog.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

This app was much better before the recent updates. Half the features are broken now

Brandon Johnson

Very good

m ferris

I uninstalled this app last year because of ads being shown after i purchased the ads free version.. ok i reinstalled the app 2 days ago bought paid version. Now after 2 days . Ads again and app is telling me to purchase ad free version to use some features?? Exactly the same issues as before. So i will cancel again.

A Google user


Louann Reed

Good. Particularly good radar/satellite imaging

christopher graves



Until recently, I've liked this app well enough. But it's gotten glitchy of late and restarting the phone or resetting the app isn't working. I hope it's fixed soon.

Mary Paddock

Best app I love both parts for this apo

Michael J. Textor


Jack Albright

great app

Juan Garcia